Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (2024)

Introduction to Time Series Forecasting

Time series are everywhere

  • Situation 1: You are owning a restaurant and you observe a pattern that highest customers are on weekends
  • Situation 2: You are selling a product and you predict raw materials required for that product at a particular moment in the future.
  • Situation 3: You are monitoring a data center and you want to detect any anomaly such as abnormal CPU usage which might cause downtime on your servers. You follow the curve of the CPU usage and want to know when an anomaly occurs.

In each of the situations, we are dealing with time series.

Last article we saw various components of time series and forecasting methods using excel and python.

Here is the link to my previous blog : https://www.datascienceprophet.com/time-series-forecasting-i/

Here in this article, we will cover:

  • Holt’s Linear smoothing
  • Holt’s Damped Trend

Holt’s Linear smoothing

Holt (1957) extended simple exponential smoothing to allow the forecasting of data with a trend. This method involves a forecast equation and two smoothing equations (one for the level and one for the trend). Holt’s Linear Trend Method is also called double Exponential Smoothing.

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (1)

where ℓt denotes an estimate of the level of the series at time t, bt denotes an estimate of the trend (slope) of the time series at time t, α is the smoothing parameter for the level, 0≤α≤1, and β is the smoothing parameter for the trend, 0≤β≤1.

As with simple exponential smooth (SES), the level equation here shows that ℓt is a weighted average of observation yt and the one-step-ahead training forecast for time t, here given by ℓt−1+bt−1. The trend equation shows that bt is the weighted average of the estimated trend at time t based on ℓt−ℓt−1 and bt−1, the previous estimate of the trend.

The forecast function is no longer flat but trending. The h-step-ahead forecast is equal to the last estimated level plus h times the last estimated trend value. Hence the forecasts are a linear function of h.

Holt’s linear smoothing is used when there is a trend in data and there is no seasonality.

Let us take the below data

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (2)

Now, we will calculate the level with the following formula:

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (3)

So when y = 152 and alpha = 0.4 and beta = 0.3 then level = 0.4*152 + ( 1 – 0.4)*(143 + 9) = 152 ( Here when y = 143 that is first row the level is same as value of y so it is 143 and slope is y2-y1 that is 152 – 143 = 9 ) , which is $M$2*B4+(1-$M$2)*(C3+D3) in excel book

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (4)

Now we will calculate the trend/slope

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (5)

so when y = 152 and alpha = 0.4 and beta = 0.3 then Trend/slope = 0.3*(152-143) + (1-0.3)*9 = 9, so in excel it would be $M$2*B5+(1-$M$2)*(C4+D4)

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (6)

Now we will calculate the forecast, so the following is the equation for the forecast.

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (7)

So when y = 139 , level and trend of previous period is added so forecast = 161 + 9 = 170

Next is calculating forecast error , so for y = 139 , error is 139-170 = -31 and squared error is = -31^2 = 669.77 and MSE is the average sum of squared error.

Thus final solution looks like this.

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (8)

So MSE = 298.83

Now, let us optimize this solution.

We can optimize this solution by minimizing MSE using excel solver by changing alpha and beta values.

So after using excel solver the optimized value is Alpha = 0.5 and Beta = 0.07

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (9)

So MSE = 274.91

Thus with excel solver, we decreased squared error and optimized the model with good accuracy.

If you observe the plot, it also shows that actual and predicted values are close to each other.

Let us code in python and find prediction when y = 266 when alpha is 0.4 and beta is 0.3 and then when we change alpha to 0.5 and beta to 0.07

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (10)

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (11)

Thus we can see that predictions for y are the same in excel and python both

Now let us use the same data and predict using Holt’s damped trend.

Holt’s Damped trend

The forecasts generated by Holt’s linear method display a constant trend (increasing or decreasing) indefinitely into the future. Empirical evidence indicates that these methods tend to over-forecast, especially for longer forecast horizons. Motivated by this observation, Gardner & McKenzie (1985) introduced a parameter that “dampens” the trend to a flat line sometime in the future. Methods that include a damped trend have proven to be very successful, and are arguably the most popular individual methods when forecasts are required automatically for many series.

In conjunction with the smoothing parameters α and β (with values between 0 and 1 as in Holt’s method), this method also includes a damping parameter 0<ϕ<1:

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (12)

If ϕ=1, the method is identical to Holt’s linear method. For values between 0 and 1, ϕ dampens the trend so that it approaches a constant some time in the future. In fact, the forecasts converge to ℓT+ϕbT/(1−ϕ) as h→∞ for any value 0<ϕ<1. This means that short-run forecasts are trended while long-run forecasts are constant.

In practice, ϕ is rarely less than 0.8 as the damping has a very strong effect for 14er values. Values of ϕ close to 1 will mean that a damped model is not able to be distinguished from a non-damped model. For these reasons, we usually restrict ϕ to a minimum of 0.8 and a maximum of 0.98.

Now, we will calculate the level with the following formula:

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (13)

So when y = 152 and alpha = 0.4 and beta = 0.3 then level = 0.4*152 + ( 1 – 0.4)*(143 + (0.95*9)) = 151.73 ( Here when y = 143 that is first row the level is same as value of y so it is 143 and slope is y2-y1 that is 152 – 143 = 9 ) , which is $M$2*B4+(1-$M$2)*(C3+$M$4*D3) in excel book

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (14)

Now we will calculate the trend/slope

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (15)

so when y = 152 and alpha = 0.4 and beta = 0.3 then Trend/slope = 0.3*(152-143) + (1-0.3)*9 *0.95 = 8.604, so in excel it would be $M$3*(C4-C3)+(1-$M$3)*$M$4*D3

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (16)

Now we will calculate the forecast, so the following is the equation for the forecast.

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (17)

So when y = 139 , level and trend of previous period is added so forecast = 160.34 + 8.30 = 160.334

Next is calculating forecast error , so for y = 139 , error is 139-168.64 = -29.65 and squared error is = -29.64^2 = 878.98 and MSE is the average sum of squared error.

Thus final solution looks like this.

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (18)

As you can see errors have increased and MSE which was around 274 earlier with a holt linear trend is now 291 with Holt damped trend

Now, let us optimize this solution.

We can optimize this solution by minimizing MSE using excel solver by changing alpha, beta, and phi values.

So after using excel solver the optimized value is Alpha = 0.5 and Beta = 0.01 and phi = 0.965

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (19)

Thus, MSE is 268.34

Thus damped trend with optimized value is giving us the best prediction result.

Let us code in python and find prediction when y = 266 when alpha is 0.4 ,beta is 0.3 and phi is 0.95 and then when we change alpha to 0.5 ,beta to 0.01 and phi = 0.95

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (20)

Thus we can see that predictions for y are similar in excel and python both

Hence Holt’s damped trend is showing better forecast with fewer errors and high accuracy in comparison to other trials.

In a review of evidence-based forecasting, Armstrong (2006) recommended the damped trend as a well-established forecasting method that should improve accuracy in practical applications. In a review of forecasting in operational research, Fildes et al. (2008) concluded that the damped trend can “reasonably claim to be a benchmark forecasting method for all others to beat.” Additional empirical evidence for the M3 competition data (Makridakis and Hibon, 2000) is given in Hyndman, Koehler, Ord, and Snyder (HKOS) (2008), who found that the use of the damped trend method alone compared favorably to model selection via information criteria, but it says nothing about when trend damping is the optimal forecasting approach.

Thus time series methods are all about trial and error and find the best suitable method which shows less forecast error and accurate predictions.

Here is the link to my GitHub repo: https://github.com/VruttiTanna/Time-series-forecasting/tree/main

Happy Learning

Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (21)Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (22)9


Time series Forecasting - Holt's method (2024)


How to forecast using Holt's method? ›

This method involves a forecast equation and two smoothing equations (one for the level and one for the trend): Forecast equation^yt+h|t=ℓt+hbtLevel equationℓt=αyt+(1−α)(ℓt−1+bt−1)Trend equationbt=β∗(ℓt−ℓt−1)+(1−β∗)bt−1, Forecast equation y ^ t + h | t = ℓ t + h b t Level equation ℓ t = α y t + ( 1 − α ) ( ℓ t − 1 + b ...

What are the limitations of Holt's method? ›

One major limitation of this algorithm is the multiplicative feature of the seasonality. The issue of multiplicative seasonality is how the model performs when we have time frames with very low amounts.

What is the formula for Holt's model? ›

Holt and Winters extended Holt's method to capture seasonality. st = γ(yt − `t−1 − bt−1)+(1 − γ)st−m, k = integer part of (h − 1)/m. Ensures estimates from the final year are used for forecasting.

What is the best time series forecasting method? ›

AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models are among the most widely used time series forecasting techniques: In an Autoregressive model, the forecasts correspond to a linear combination of past values of the variable.

Which method is best for forecasting? ›

Top Forecasting Methods
  • Straight line. Constant growth rate. Minimum level. Historical data.
  • Moving average. Repeated forecasts. Minimum level. Historical data.
  • Simple linear regression. Compare one independent with one dependent variable. Statistical knowledge required. A sample of relevant observations.
  • Multiple linear regression.

Which method are most accurate in making forecast? ›

Final answer: The most accurate methods in making weather forecasts use a combination of different techniques, such as analyzing historical weather patterns, current conditions, satellite imagery, and computer models.

What is Holt's double exponential smoothing method? ›

Holt's Double Exponential Smoothing method is similar to Simple Exponential Smoothing. It calculates the level component to measure the level in the Forecast. It also adds the trend component to create a Linear trend in the Forecast.

What is the trend method of forecasting? ›

Trend forecasting is the practice of making educated predictions about how trends will change and develop over time. Usually, the end goal of trend forecasting is to produce models and projections for how a trend will progress.

What is Holt's method in R? ›

The Holt-Winters method takes into account three components of a time series: level, trend, and seasonality. It uses exponential smoothing to estimate the level, trend and seasonality components and make predictions.

What is triple exponential smoothing or Holt's method? ›

Triple Exponential Smoothing (Holt-Winters)

The main idea behind this method is to construct future predictions using three separate exponentially weighted averages, corresponding to the level, trend, and seasonality components. Mathematical Representation: Level Equation: lt=α×(yt−st−p)+(1−α)×(lt−1+bt−1)

What is the equation for the time series model? ›

(1) y(t) = x(t)β + ε(t), where y(t) = {yt;t = 0,±1,±2,...} is a sequence, indexed by the time subscript t, which is a combination of an observable signal sequence x(t) = {xt} and an unobservable white-noise sequence ε(t) = {εt} of independently and identically distributed random variables.

What is the linear trend equation for forecasting? ›

How to Calculate the Trend Line. How does someone calculate the trend line for a graph? A trend line indicates a linear relationship. The equation for a linear relationship is y = mx + b, where x is the independent variable, y is the dependent variable, m is the slope of the line, and b is the y-intercept.

Which is the #1 rule of forecasting? ›

Rule 1: Define a Cone of Uncertainty. As a decision maker, you ultimately have to rely on your intuition and judgment. There's no getting around that in a world of uncertainty. But effective forecasting provides essential context that informs your intuition.

What is the simplest method of time series forecasting? ›

Naïve method

For naïve forecasts, we simply set all forecasts to be the value of the last observation. That is, ^yT+h|T=yT. y ^ T + h | T = y T . This method works remarkably well for many economic and financial time series.

What is the easiest time series model? ›

The simplest model is the AR(1) model: it uses only the value of the previous timestep to predict the current value. The maximum number of values that you can use is the total length of the time series (i.e. you use all previous time steps).

How do you calculate forecasting methods? ›

Historical forecasting: This method uses historical data (results from previous sales cycles) and sales velocity (the rate at which sales increase over time). The formula is: previous month's sales x velocity = additional sales; and then: additional sales + previous month's rate = forecasted sales for next month.

What is the best method to forecast the demand? ›

The five most popular demand forecasting methods are: trend projection, market research, sales force composite, Delphi method, and the econometric method.

How do you forecast using the moving average method? ›

To get the simple moving average (SMA) you would divide the total sales from January – March by the number of periods, which in this case would be 3 (3 months), giving you a simple average number of sales per month. This number can be used to forecast the sales of the upcoming months or period.

What is the Holt methodology? ›

HOLT's proprietary methodology corrects subjectivity by converting income statement and balance sheet information into the company's internal rate of return (CFROI), a measure that more closely approximates a company's underlying economics.

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